Welcome to Operation Roger... Truckers Pet Transport!


Truckers Helping Pets  -  Volunteer Today  -  HOME PAGE

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NOTICE: This office will continue to be monitored as often as possible as our one and only office voluneer is recovering from surgery.
If you have a pet which needs a transport, please go ahead and submit a Pet Transport Application. We are notified when an Application
is received. We will 
strive to be on top of all transports despite the surgery and its aftermath. Thank you.

Good News!! Effective 11-15-23

Due to a recent donation from a chapter of the IOOF in Dallas, TX, we are able to offer transport without a donation from the Applicant for a limited time.

We truly hope this is a trend so Individuals, Shelters, and Rescues can continue to help more pets. Just consider, a $200 donation would allow five (5) applications to be compted.

A donation from the Applicant would still help us but will not be required.

Disregard any and all references to a required donation for our office expenses on this website until further notice which will appear here. The actual transport of a pet continues to be free, as always.

However, if you can, a donation who go a long way to helping us pay our bills after the IOOF donation runs out.


The following will apply to any pet being transported by Operation Roger Drivers:

1) Be sure to bathe the pet.
2) Wash all leashes, collars, harnesses, any blankets, crates, food dishes. Wipe down all food bags.
3) Basically, let us all do our part in keeping ALL viruses at bay.
4) Also, all Shippers, Receivers, Coordinators ...
    (Shipper > The person with the pet)
    (Receiver > The person receiving the pet.)
    (Coordinator > A third party person submitting the Pet Transport Application on behalf of either a Shipper or a Receiver.)
5) Applicants, please indicate in area 2PT6-2 of the application where we talk about writing a book, more details about the pet and why it is needing a ride.  It will help us.
5a) If there is any information at all we should know about, please add it here as well.
For instance, if it is possible the Shipper or Receiver would not be the person able to deliver the pet to and pick up the pet from the driver, we MUST know about this ahead of time.
5b) If this situation happens after the Application is submitted, please inform us via email immediately.
5) We Do Not, Can Not, go to any home, shelter, rescue.
6) All pets Must be brought to the driver at a Truck Stop, Rest Area, Other Locations of their choosing, as close as the driver is able to come and be safe in their rig.

If you have pets listed with us, do understand we are still working behind the scenes to stay on top of the driver availability in transporting said pets even if we have not been in touch.

Truckers Pet Transport
a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity

Corporate Address: P.O.Box 522, Joshua, TX 76058

All mailed correspondence and donations are to go to the above P.O.Box
Email: operationroger01@yahoo.com

NOTICE: It is best to contact us at operationroger01@yahoo.com or by texting 682-622-1172 with your name and purpose. When texting, please start and/or conclude your message with your name so we will know to whom we are responding.

Because of so many robo calls, all unknown call numbers will go unawered. If you leave a message, we honestly forget to check Voice Mail often. Sorry.


We prefer all donations through PayPal on this website. You do NOT need a PayPal account to use them. This gives us a paper trail where we can then send you an official donation receipt.

When you click the PayPal Donate button on the left side of this page in the 
RED vertical stripeinsert the amount you wish to donate, then choose your method (Debit/Credit Card or your PayPal).

Be advised, a check for a pet transport application must clear the bank, resulting in a delay before the application can be approved.

Thanks to our wonderful volunteer drivers it has been our pleasure to make ... 
nearly 1,000 transports since September 2005
(Generally one at a time)
Once Again, we have nearly cleared our Pet Transport Board. 


There are times when we have been asked to help deliver pet food/items from a donor to a rescue. We will certainly try.

If it is just a few bags of food or pet items, a driver may have space on their upper bunk.

A large amount requires a flatbed or similar type trailer. Not as many drivers have this type of rig. Do not expect the driver to do all of the loading and

Depending upon the situation, the shipper may be asked to assist. This is done on a space availability only and is not intended to be the entire trailer

The driver has the right to refuse the load if he/she feels it will not fit properly and safely on the trailer. He/she may try to take part of it and try again on
their next trip through the area.



1)  HOVER your cursor over the Register/Log In button on the Menu Bar above
1a)  Scroll down the list that comes up to Register
1b)  Complete the requested information
(This information has nothing to do with any application submitted. When an Application asks for this same information, please fill out completely.)

2)  The system will send you a 6 capital letter password to your email.

3)  Highlight and Copy the password as the email instructs or come back to this Home Page and insert it in the proper location.
3a) There is no need to change the password.  If you forget it, you can always request a new one.

4)  Go back to the Register/Log In button or follow the instructions in your email
4a)  Scroll down to Log In
4b)  Paste that password into the area provided

5)  HOVER your cursor over the Applications button on the Menu Bar above
5a)  Scroll down to the Application desired

6)  Caution... Truck Drivers... be careful not to get the Shuttle Driver Application; that's for 4-wheelers

7)  Pet Transport Application...Click on Step 2 Pet App Requirements Page for the link to the application
7a)  In this page are the PET ITEMS REQUIRED for transport.  (The Requirements of Items listed here may be outdated as any updates will be post on the Home Page FIRST.)
7b)  After reading and understanding this page, click on the proper Link at the bottom of the page which will take you to the actual Pet Transport

UPDATED: Recently we received an application via a newer model smart phone or perhaps a newer model tablet, which in the past has not worked.  Apparently the newer smart phones/tablets are capable. This is great news.

If the application is sufficiently incomplete or the device you are using isn't the right kind, the system may not recognize it and the application will go to the Incomplete file and we do not know it is there.

Sorry. If you do need help to fill out an application or submit an application of any kind and do not receive a reply within a reasonable time...  Email operationroger01@yahoo.com or Text 682-622-1172 a message.

(Please do not use any Operation Roger website or email with an .org extension. It may not be received here.)

You will get a reply ASAP. We would be happy to assist you.

Be advised, if we need to help you fill out an application because you only have an older phone or tablet, it can take 2+ hours. We must read everything on the application to you.


More detailed info on the Step 2 Requirements Page. If a difference in this list between the Home Page and the Requirements Page, the Home Page prevails.

1) Health Certificate (If you do not have it yet, get it now. Do not risk your pet missing a ride. We are not concerned with any 10-day time frame. We actually prefer it to be at least that.)

2) Shot Records (The vet will determine the shots necessary. We have recently heard of a flu shot for dogs.)

3) Food for at least 15 days-30 days (Same food the pet has been eating to avoid digestive problems). If the driver feels he/she will be working their way toward the pet’s destination, they may request more.

4) Treats are always appreciated by your pet.

5) Pet freshly bathed (If you would not put the pet in your bed, do not put it on our truck.)

6) No pets with fleas or ticks.

7) Size related Collar and a Harness hooked together for ALL pets except as noted below. This is a connector with 2 gate hooks and can be obtained from Walmart or on Amazon, etc. If the pet is too small for this, perhaps a large heavy-duty paper hook would work.

8) Provide proper weight appropriate leashes and collars.

8a) Pugs and Greyhounds would not have a collar as their heads are smaller than their necks.

8b) Pugs would have a harness and possibly a Martingale leash.

8c) Greyhounds would have a Martingale leash and a harness.

9) Food and Water Bowls or other items as driver requests.

10) A size related crate for all cats, other pets, and dogs 30 pounds and under. The crate must be no larger than what would fit on the jump (passenger) seat.

11) Kitty Litter and Pan for cats.

12) No female dogs or cats in heat.

13) No pets with worms.

14) Oral medications only.

15) Bedding consisting of something with a familiar smell to the pet is always a comfort to them.

16) No adult dogs who are not housebroken.

17) Puppy pads called OUT from Walmart or GREAT CHOICE from PetsMart. 1-2 packages. These brands have been trucker tested and approved.

18) Other requirements as to meet the needs of the pet.

CAUTION: If the pet arrives at pick up location dirty, without proper collar and harness, proper leash, food, and other requested items, the driver has the right to not transport. If the driver accepts the pet anyway, applicant may be billed for any items purchased by driver at double market value.

* * *


* * *

NOTICE: Effective JANUARY 1, 2021 (No increases planned for 2024) (As of November 23, 2023, this required donation has been waived until the donated funds run out.)

The minimum donation requested for a pet transport is $40.00.
To be eligible, the donation MUST be submitted within 24 hours of the Pet Transport Application.

After the initial 24 hours, the minimum donation required is $60.00.

We will still work on the application to get a pet transported asap without it, but as this causes the office personnel to scramble to get the application completed so a driver will not be inconvenienced by waiting to pick up your pet, the minimum donation will be $85.00.

The Application Donation goes to meeting operational expenses and has nothing to do with any transport.
It is non-refundable. Remember, we are a 501c3 nonprofit charity and depend upon donations to stay available to transport pets.
The actual transport is free.

Keep in mind also, if there should be more than one pet in the same area a driver could transport, oldest and the one with the submitted application donation will take priority


We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity.  We thank you.

NOTICE:  Thank you for coming to the Operation Roger website. 


We are a rag-tag group of some 10-30 pet-loving truckers who VOLUNTEER to help needy pets travel to their new homes and have a better chance
at a fun-filled life by giving them a hitchhike in the cabs of their trucks and a lot of TLC enroute.

As you can see, we are a small group to cover the entire country.  It can take us a good while to get the pets moved. 

We need more truck drivers to do these transports more quickly.  If you know of one, please get them to submit a TRUCK DRIVER application.

Contrary to media reports we are NOT a rescue per se, but we do work with rescues and individuals.  We only transport once the pet has a place to go.

We are like the volunteer car-to-car transports who do 1-2 or so hour legs to get a pet moved. Our difference is we are able to do quite a bit longer legs.

Often, we are able to do the entire
trip with just one driver.

Please, BEFORE YOU CALL or E-MAIL asking if we can transport your pet, know that is what we TRY to do. 
There are some states and areas of some states that are very difficult.
If you are in one of these areas and we feel we cannot properly help you, we will tell you.
Many times both the shipper and the receiver of the pet may be asked to drive quite a distance to meet a driver.

But we MUST have an application and an application donation on EACH pet (the Rattie community can be 3 to an application, same gender) before we
can even begin. 

The Application is long and does ask for some very detailed answers. These answers tells us what the situation is and  particulars about the pet so the
driver can give your pet the best care possible.

Some areas of the country (and states) are difficult but not impossible - if we have help from both the shippers and receivers in those areas in particular.

* * *

*We are truck drivers who put these pets in the cab of our trucks.  This is our house.  It is a small area.  The pets sleep with us on our beds most of the

*We will NO LONGER accept pets who are not at least partially housebroken. Tell us the whole truth.  
This, of course, does not apply to puppies but to the older dogs. 

Drivers do not have time to provide this training.
If you absolutely would not leave this pet loose in your bedroom and, thus, on your bed, don't put them in ours.

*Any pet pulled from a shelter and immediately put outside in a pen, never house trained, is not a good candidate for our trucks.
Be honest with us and honor our drivers and the layover homes they may visit.

*ALL pets must be sociable with humans, dogs, cats, and other animals.  
If it takes your pet more than a few minutes to at least accept to our driver and remains confrontational, we may not transport and the pet may be
removed from our board.

*The larger the dog, the longer it will take to get it moved.  It requires a special driver to take the larger pets.

*We DO NOT take barnyard animals or birds.
Barnyard animals would be obvious, too large for one.
Birds in their cages would probably have to be put on the jump seat (passenger seat) which would be right in front of the air conditioner/heater vent.
Not a good location.

We do not transport Show or Breeder pets.
The one exception for Show or Breeders is the pet is not going to be used for breeding or is retired and already altered to prove it.  

*Please be honest in the breed of your pet.  
For example, don't put Lab mix trying to cover up the dog is a pit.  We DO transport pits and other bully breeds.
Do you want to drive a long distance to bring that dog to a driver only to learn that particular driver won't take it?

*We  expect honesty if you want us to try to help you.

* * *

We CANNOT do emergencies nor transports on specific dates because of who we are and what we do as truckers. It takes the coordinators a lot of man-hours and a lot of effort to get your pet's information out to the drivers.  

An emergency is really anything less than a month.  
Generally, expect 2-4 months, some times more, depending  on where the pet is and is going and driver availability.

Remember, the drivers have to be in the area first delivering or picking up freight.  We don't dispatch them.  Their individual companies do. 

We have to wait for the drivers to be in the area delivering or picking up freight.

We CANNOT guarantee a time frame for the transport.  
Be prepared to be patient...it may NOT occur on Your time frame.  
Neither we, nor the drivers, have a crystal ball to know the future.

We drive tractor-trailers, are on set routes, and have restricted time frames.
We CANNOT go to any shelter, rescue, home, etc. to pick up your pet, period.  

The shipper/receiver MUST bring the pet to the driver at whatever truck stop, rest area, etc. the driver deems safe for his/her rig.  

This means the shipper/receiver may be asked to drive at least 100 miles and sometimes more.  
If they can't, please find someone who can be relied on to help.
That person's name and number on the application is always a big help.

It can even mean the difference of the pet being picked up or missed.
There have been times when a driver alerts this office of their whereabouts and is nearly on top of where a pet is.

With few exceptions, mileage less than 100 usually shows us the shipper or receiver aren't really motivated to move the pet.

* * *


Save yourself and us a lot of time and trouble:

or at least two numbers/people - e.g. one day/one evening.  HOURS MUST BE ANYTIME. We will try our best to make it after 8 am and before 9 pm. However, due to the truckers schedule it could be during the night. The driver should be able to inform the Shipper or Receiver before hand. If either party is unable to meet the driver, and no one else is found who can, then the pet will miss a ride.

SHELTER/RESCUE HOURS from such and such to such and such time don't mean a hill of beans to us.  If the pet cannot be picked
up or delivered on the TRUCKERS time schedule, we can't help you.



We do not give out name/phone numbers contained in these applications except to those individuals directly involved in helping transport a pet. 

ALL applications not containing proper Shipping and Receiving names along with personal 24/7 phone numbers and other pertinent
information as requested will be asked again for the information. 
This just means more of your time and that of this office.

If a driver just happens to be in your area and the Application needs more information, the pet could very possibly miss its one good ride as
we scramble to complete the Application.

Again, Shelters/Rescues etc. are NOT contacts.  Only People are.

To only put a shelter/rescue business name on the application without a contact name and personal number causes more work for us
and a big delay for you.
As we said above, ALL such applications are worked as usual but a pet can miss a ride when we are not able to reach the proper
individual in time. 

We have to wonder WHY it is intelligent people cannot seem to follow the above directions.  
We are STILL getting applications with NO CONTACT NAME, only a rescue, vet, or shelter name, and/or only WORK phone numbers and
then only during certain times.  
WE CANNOT HELP YOU if you don't give us the information requested!

FINALLY, we write stories about our transports.  
In the area on the application where we ask why this pet is needing a ride please tell us the full story of the pet's circumstances..
WHY it is in the shelter/rescue or where ever to begin with and WHAT was it about the pet that made the receiver want that particular pet.
Tell us the history. That sort of thing.
This also helps us to know more about the pet before we pick it up.
Think safety for the driver who volunteers to take a unknown pet into his/her own personal space, their living/working quarters. 


There IS a Pet Transport Application Non-Refundable Tax-Deductible Donation requirement. This donation specifically covers our
operating expenses such as phone, internet, equipment,  etc. without which we would not be here to help when needed. The hope
is to have enough Donations to keep us in the black and not the red each month. 

* * *

As to just how Operation Roger works, go to the bottom half of this page for more information. Look for the Semi truck picture.

* * *

Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport
19th Year Anniversary - September 16, 2024

* Truckers Helping Pets *
* Give A Pet A Ride *
* Foster Home On Wheels *
* Bag Packed. Need Ride *

* * *


Hi, I'm Roger, a Toy Manchester Terrier.
Thanks for coming to this wonderful website - at least from my point of view, after all, it was named for me. 
I'm honored.  I would have loved to be a mentor for others.
Unfortunately, I crossed over the Rainbow Bridge just 3 months before this group got started.

* * *


The Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the virus. and in 2022
no one was allowed to do anything on the truck parking lot, including having an auction. 

This Auction was our only major way of funding what we do to help individuals and rescues. So, with the loss
of that income, we will have to depend upon each Pet Transport Application applicant to be willing to help us
to continue being available to provide transport by honoring our application donation requests.All we ask is a
minimum of $40 per pet.



If at all possible, your continued support in the form of a monthly or a one-time additional donation would
be much appreciated so we can continue to be here to help pets get to their new fur-ever homes.  
You can use your PayPal account or your debit/credit card by using the Gold PayPal button on the LEFT side of
this and any page..


We receive a percentage of your purchase when you designate Operation Roger as your charity.


When you click on Operation Roger's unique links, you skip the process to search for a charity to support
among over 1 million eligible charities. 

Highlighted News
See all of our news!
SPECIAL OFFERS IN OUR STORE -- Saturday March 21st, 2020
PET MICROCHIPPING SERVICE -- Thursday February 20th, 2014
NEW AREAS AVAILABLE -- Wednesday February 19th, 2014
FUND RAISING COMMITTEE -- Wednesday February 19th, 2014
2014 MATS PRESS RELEASE -- Wednesday February 19th, 2014




peterbiltHow it Works

When Operation Roger... Truckers Pet Transport receives a request for a pet transport
(we only transport dogs and cats and other small companion animals), we then make every
reasonable attempt to match a pet needing a lift with a Trucker heading the same direction. 

Due to the nature of our trucking commitments, we cannot give a specific time for your pet
to be either picked up or delivered or even if we can get to it all in the time frame the parties
involved want.  But, we will try.   

It may take a minimum of 3-7 days for a volunteer to review, approve, and get the application entered on our Pet Board. 
Then, it may take an equal time to get the information out to all of our drivers.  Thus, we are usually unable to handle 
"emergency" requests. While we might be able to transport your pet in a couple weeks, it is better to plan on a couple
months.  In some cases, particularly in hard-to-get-to states/locations, it will probably be longer.  We just never know. 
Please be patient. 

Please note: Our mission is to help rescues and individuals being reunited with their pets. We do not transport for
Show or Breeders. The one exception for Breeders is if the pet is not being used for breeding or retired and already

Remember, we are all volunteers.  We have no paid staff, so everything is done as soon as our personal/trucking lives
permit.  While we will attempt to keep in contact with the applicant, you may not hear from us until a driver calls to
inquire about your pet.

We are Truckers first and therefore the requirements of our job must come first so we cannot offer door-to-door pickup
and delivery. Generally speaking, arrangements are made in advance with the driver to meet the person sending the pet
(shipper) at a truck-stop or travel plaza. 

The driver checks the pet's paperwork and is given at least 10-30 days of food depending upon the circumstances, a 
crate if pet is under 30 pounds, a proper collar/harness and leash, toys, etc.  At the destination, the person who is
waiting for the pet (receiver) agrees to meet the driver and his furry passenger), at a predetermined location where the 
pet is then handed off to the new owners so it can start its new life in a forever home. 

At either location, it could be at 1 p.m. in the afternoon or 1 a.m. in the morning.  It is on the driver's schedule.

There are times when a driver can pick up a pet but they aren't going to the destination area.  The driver may decide to
keep the pet on board and try to work their way to the pet's new home, or we try to put together a "repower" with another
driver.  This means the two drivers would have to meet somewhere and that is difficult to do at best. 

Here is where the Layover Home could be a big help.  Essentially, a Layover Home is merely a temporary foster.  The
pet's stay is anywhere from a few hours to perhaps three-four weeks.  If we could get more of these Layover Homes
around the country, more pets might be helped.

A Shuttle Driver is usually someone who cannot be a Layover Home but who can drive the pet from driver-to-driver,
driver-to-forever home, home to driver, or any other combination. Are you an RVer? Perhaps as you travel across country,
you would consider a furry companion.

Non-Pet TransportWe also can sometimes help, on a limited basis, to get small amounts of pet food and pet related
items from one location to another, usually a supplier to a rescue or from one rescue to another.  This totally depends
upon the available space in a driver's cab.
The truckers are unable to go to any warehouse to pick up non-pet items. All items must be brought to the driver.

What Does it Cost? 

A minimum non-refundable tax-deductible application donation of just $40.00 per pet application if the donation
comes in within 24 hours of the Pet Transport Application.
A minimum non-refundable tax-deductible application donation of just $60.00 per pet application is required after the 24 hour
of the Pet Transport Application is submitted.
If no non-refundable tax-deductible application donation is received prior to a volunteer trucker agreeing to pick up
your pet, the donation increases to $85.00 per pet application

Your donation helps Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport meet our day-to-day operation expenses.  Remember,
we are 501(c)(3) non-profit charity.

With gasoline prices reaching higher almost daily, pet transport services costing hundreds of dollars, and airlines
charging transportation fees that can break almost any budget, we think a minimum donation of $40.00 is the most
reasonable deal you could find in exchange for a pet receiving the first class, "one on one" treatment it deserves.

REGISTER !!! Again, read the top of this Home Page for particular instructions on how to Register, Log In,
for Finding your desired application.

A temporary password will be sent to your e-mail. Copy and paste that temporary password into LOG IN. 
Do Not change the password. If needed, a new one can be issued.  The system just doesn't like it if you
change the computer generated password immediately.  If you do, you may not be able to access the rest
of the system for some time; perhaps hours.


When God Made Truck Drivers
When the Lord was creating Truck Drivers, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared
and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."

And the Lord said, "Have you read the specs on this order?"

"A truck driver has to be able to drive 10-12 hours per day, through any kind of weather, on any type of
road. it must know the highway traffic laws of 48 states and 10 provinces. It has to be ready and able to
unload 40,000 lbs of cargo after driving all night, and sleep in areas of cities and towns that the police
refuse to patrol."

"It has to be able to live in a truck 24 hours a day 7 days a week for weeks on end, provide assistance
to it's fellow travelers , meet just in time schedules, and still maintain an even and controlled composure
when all around appear to have gone mad."

"It has to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee and half-eaten meals.  It has
to have six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands... no way."

"It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord. "It's the three pairs of eyes a driver
has to have."

"That's on the standard model?" asked the angel.

The Lord nodded.

"One pair that sees the herd of deer in the thickets 3 miles away,
Another pair here in the side of it's head for the blind spots that motorists love to hide in,
and another pair of eyes here in front that can look reassuringly at the bleeding victim of the drunk
driver that crashed into it's ICC bumper doing 70MPH and say, 'You'll be all right,' when he knows
it isn't so."

"Lord," said the angel, touching his sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord,
"I already have a model that can drive 650 miles a day, without incident and can raise a family of five
without ever seeing them, on 30 cents a mile."

The angel slowly circled the model of the truck driver. "Can it think?" she asked.

"You bet!" said the Lord. "It can tell you the elements of every HAZMAT load invented; recite the
Federal Motor Carrier Regulations in its sleep; deliver, pickup, be a father or mother, offer timely
advice to strangers, search for missing children, defend women's and children's rights, get 8 hours
of good rest on the street and raise a family of Law respecting citizens, without ever going home ...
and still it keeps its sense of humor. "

"This driver also has phenomenal personal control. It can deal with delivery and pickup areas from
Hell, coax a lumper to actually work for his money, comfort an accident victim's family, and then read
in the daily paper how truck drivers are nothing more than vicious killers on wheels who have no
respect for the rights of others while using the nations hiways."

Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the driver. "There's a leak," she
pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model."

"That's not a leak," said the lord, "it's a tear."

"What's the tear for?" asked the angel.

"It's for bottled-up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to that funny piece of cloth
called the flag, for justice, for the family without its father."

"You're a genius," said the angel.

The Lord looked somber.

"I didn't put it there."
(Author Unknown but very much appreciated)

We are always accepting volunteer Layover Home and Shuttle Driver applications,
and especially Truck Driver applications, as we need more drivers to transport pets quicker.

We have added a "Miscellaneous" Application to serve those of you who want to help
Operation Roger in Other Areas. 
Instructions for finding these Applications are above.

* * *

We need more LAYOVER HOMES (temporary fosters) & SHUTTLE DRIVERS (4-wheelers)
in the MAJOR cities and surrounding areas (i.e. 100 mile +- radias) along the MAJOR Interstate
highways listed below.

This list is not all inclusive.

Can you offer assistance along any of these Interstates

by being a Layover Home or Shuttle Driver ?

The following listing does NOT mean our drivers run these interstates on a regular basis.  
Some of them, yes.  Others, not necessarily.

We are just including the major towns and cities along the interstates listed.  Other
cities/towns within 100-200 miles along these interstates are also needed. 

I-4 (FL) Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando; 

I-8 (CA) San Diego; (AZ) Yuma, Casa Grande;

I-10 (CA) Ontario; (AZ) Phoenix, Tucson; (NM) Las Cruces; (TX) El Paso, San Antonio, Houston; 
(LA) Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Slidell; (MS) Biloxi; (AL) Mobile; (FL) Pensacola, Tallahassee, Lake City,

I-20 (TX) Midland, Odessa, Fort Worth, Dallas, Tyler, Longview; (LA) Shreveport; (MS) Jackson,
Meridian; (AL) Birmingham; (GA) Atlanta, Augusta; (SC) Columbia, Florence, Myrtle Beach; 

I-24 (IL) Mount Vernon; (KY) Paducash; (TN) Clarksville, Nashville, Murfreesboro, Chattanooga;

I-30 (TX) Fort Worth, Dallas; (AR) Texarkana, Little Rock; 

I-40 (CA) Barstow, Needles; (AZ) Kingman, Flagstaff; (NM) Albuquerque; (TX) Amarillo; (OK) Sayre,
Oklahoma City; (AR) Fort Smith, Little Rock, West Memphis; (TN) Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville; 
(NC) Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Raleigh, Benson, Wilmington; 

I-44 (OK) Oklahoma City, Tulsa; (MO) Joplin, Springfield, St. Louis; 

I-64 (MO)  Wentzville, St. Louis; (IL) East St. Louis, Mount Vernon, Evansville; (KY) Louisville,
Lexington; (WV) Charleston, Beckley; (VA) Lexington, Staunton, Charlottesville, Richmond, Norfolk;

I-70 (UT) Any town; (CO) Salina, Gunnison, Grand Junction, Denver, Lyman; (KS) Salina, Topeka; 
(MO) Kansas City, Columbia, St. Louis; (IL) Effingham; (IN) Terre Haute, Indianapolis; (OH) Dayton,
Columbus, Cambridge; (WV) Wheeling; (PA) Washington, Somerset; (MD) Hagerstown, Baltimore;

I-74 (IA) Davenport, Bettendorf; (IL) Rock Island, East Moline, Galesburg, Peoria, Bloomington,
Champaign, Danville; (IN) Crawfordsville, Indianapolis, Greensburg; (OH) Cincinnati;

I-76 (CO) Denver, Fort Morgan, Sterling; (OH) Akron, Canfield, North Lima; (PA) Pittsburg, Greensburg,
Somerset, Bedford, Carlisle, Morgantown, Philadelphia; 

I-78 (PA) Harrisburg, Allentown, Bethlehem, Phillipsburg; (NJ) Bloomsburg, Bridgewater, Jersey City; 
(NY) New York City;

I-80 (CA) San Francisco, Sacramento; (NV) Reno; (UT) Salt Lake City; (WY) Cheyenne; (NE) North Platt,
Kearney, Grand Island, Lincoln, Omaha; (IA) Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Walcott, Davenport; (IL) Peru,
Joilet; (IN) Hammond, Gary, Lake Station, South Bend, Elkhart; (OH) Toledo, Cleveland, Youngstown; 
(PA) Grove City, Hazelton; (NJ) Newark; 

I-82 (OR) Kennewick, Yakima; 

I-84 (OR) Portland, Hermiston; (ID) Boise, Mountain Home, Burley; (UT) Tremonton, Ogden, Morgan; 
(PA) Scranton; (NY) Newburg; (CT) Danbury, Hartford; (MA) Worcester, Boston; 

I-86 (ID) Burley, Pocatello; (NY) Jamestown, Corning, Binghamton; 

I-88 (NY) Binghamton, Schnectady; 

I-90 (WA) Seattle, Ellensburg, Spokane; (MT) Missoula, Butte, Bozeman, Billings; (WY) Sheridan, Gillette; 
(SD) Rapid City, Sioux Falls; (MN) Albert Lea; (WI) Clifton, Madison; (IL) Rockford, Chicago; (IN) Hammond,
Gary, Lake Station, South Bend, Elkhart, Angola; (OH) Toledo, Cleveland; (PA) Erie; (NY) Buffalo, Rochester,
Syracuse, Utica, Albany; (MA) Springfield, Worcester, Boston;

I-94 (MT) Billings, Miles City; (ND) Dickenson, Bismark, Jamestown, Fargo; (MN) Fergus Falls, Alexandria,
St. Cloud, Minneapolis, St. Paul; (WI) Eau Claire, Tomah, Portage, Madison, Milwaukee; (IL) Chicago area; 
(IN) Gary, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Ann Arbor, Detroit; 

I-96 (MI) Grand Rapids, Lansing, Detroit;


We are just including the major cities along the interstates listed.  Other cities/towns along these
interstates are also needed.

I-5 (CA) San Diego, Irvine, Orange, Anaheim, Castaic; Santa Clarita, Bakersfield, Los Banos, Stockton,
Sacramento, Red Bluff, Redding; (OR) Medford, Eugene, Portland; (WA) Centralia, Tacoma, Seattle,
Everett, Bellingham;

I-15 (CA) San Diego, Escondido, Temecula,  San Bernardino, Victorville, Barstow; (NV) Las Vegas; 
(UT) St. George, Cedar City, Parowan, Beaver, Fillmore, Provo, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Tremonton, Logan; 
(ID) Pocatello, Idaho Falls; (MT) Butte, Helena, Great Falls;

I-17 (AZ) Flagstaff, Phoenix;

I-25 (NM) Las Cruces, Truth or Consequences, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Raton;  (CO) Pueblo,
Colorado Springs, Denver, Fort Collins;   (WY) Cheyenne, Wheatland, Douglas, Casper, Buffalo; 

I-27 (TX) Lubbock, Amarillo;

I-35 (TX) Laredo, San Antonio, Waco, Fort Worth/Dallas, Denton, Gainesville;  (OK) Ardmore, Norman,
Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Ponca City;  (KS) Wellington, Wichita, Emporia, Kansas City;  (MO) Kansas City,
Cameron, Bethany; (IA) Des Moines, Ames, Mason City; (MN) Albert Lea, St. Paul, Forest Lake,
North Branch, Sandstone, Duluth;

I-37 (TX)  San Antonio, Victoria;

I-45 (TX) Galveston, Houston, Conroe, Madisonville, Fairfield, Corsicana, Dallas;

I-55 (MS) New Orleans, Hammond, Jackson;  (TN) Memphis;  (AR) West Memphis, Blytheville; 
(MO) Caruthersville, Sikeston,  (IL) East St. Louis, Springfield, Bloomington, Joilet, Chicago;
I-57  (MO) Sikeston;  (IL)  Mt. Vernon, Effingham, Champaign, Chicago;

I-59  (LA) Slidell; (MS) Hattisburg, Laurel, Meridian; (AL) Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Gadsden; 
(TN) Chattanooga;

I-65  (AL) Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, Huntsville; (TN) Columbia, Nashville; (KY) Bowling Green,
Elizabethtown, Louisville; (IN) Seymour, Columbus, Franklin, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Gary;

I-69 (IN) Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Fremont; (MI) Batavia, Battle Creek, Marshall, Charlotte, Lansing, Flint;

I-71 (KY) Louisville; (OH) Cincinnati, Columbus, Mansfield, Lodi, Cleveland;

I-75 (FL) Fort Lauderdale, Naples, Cape Coral, Tampa, Dade City, Ocala, Gainsville, Lake City; 
 Valdosta, Tifton, Cordele, Macon, Atlanta, Cartersville, Calhoun, Dalton; (TN) Chattanooga,
Cleveland, Knoxville; (KY)  Corbin, Mt. Vernon, Richmond, Lexington; (OH) Cincinnati, Dayton, Lima,
Findlay, Bowling Green, Toledo; (MI) Monroe, Detroit, Flint, Bay City, Grayling;

I-81 (TN) Greeneville, Kingsport; (VA) Bristol, Blytheville, Roanoke, Winchester; (PA) Greencastle,
Carlisle, Harrisburg, Hazelton, Scranton; (NY) Binghamton, Syracuse, Watertown;

I-85 (GA) Atlanta; (SC) Greenville, Spartanburg, Gaffney; (NC) Gastonia, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Durham; (VA) Petersburg;

I-87 (NY) 
Newburg, Albany; 

I-89 (NH) 
Concord, Hanover, Montpelier, Burlington;

I-91 (CT) 
New Haven, Meridian, Hartford; (NY) Springfield, Northhampton, Greenfield; 
(VT) West Brattleboro, Hanover;

I-93 (NH) 
Manchester, Concord;

I-95 (FL) Miami, Fort Pierce, Melbourne, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville; (GA) Brunswick, Savannah; 
 St. George, Sumter, Florence; (NC) Lumberton, Fayetteville, Benson, Wilson, Rocky Mount,
Roanoke Rapids; (VA) Emporia, Richmond, Fredericksburg, Woodridge, Alexandria; (MD) Laurel,
Jessup, Baltimore, Elkton; (DE) Newark, Wilmington; (NJ) (CT)  (MA)  (NH)  (ME)   

